Do you feel reasonably comfortable cooking omnivore or vegetarian dinners every night, but healthy vegan, plant-based cooking intimidates you? This free talk and Q&A will give you tools to get started with more confidence and less stress.

In this one hour live demo and Q&A on Zoom, you will learn about:

  • How to compose a nutritious, flavorful, and satisfying healthy vegan meal
  • Strategies to reduce stress when introducing more plant-based meals into your weekly menus
  • Common mistakes when transitioning to plant-based cooking and how to avoid them
  • Gentle ways to deal with selective eaters (a.k.a. “picky people”) and those reluctant to embrace change at your table
  • Plus answers to your questions about healthy vegan cooking and nutrition!

Wednesday January 24th, 2024

12 p.m. Vancouver / San Francisco
3 p.m. Montreal / New York
8 p.m. London UK


This event is focused on the needs of people who already can read a recipe and somehow get dinner on the table, but feel intimidated, overwhelmed, or unskilled at plant-based cooking. I’ll start from what you already know and guide you towards building on your existing skills to become more confident when it comes to cooking healthy vegan meals for yourself and your loved ones.

IMPORTANT: This session is about healthy vegan cooking for people of all ages, with the goals of fueling vitality and preventing disease. I will touch on basic nutrition concepts but the focus is on cooking and meal planning strategies. I will not address nutrition in the context of managing or reversing health issues. If you struggle with specific health problems, I warmly encourage you to consult a plant-friendly health professional.

This event is NOT a sales pitch or teaser for another paid program or service. I provide free monthly events about healthy vegan cooking and nutrition as a service to the community, and this is one of them. I hope it helps more people eat more plants.

About Brigitte Gemme

Brigitte Gemme is passionate about helping more people eat more plants, even if they think they will never go vegan. She is the author of the book Flow in the Kitchen: Practices for Healthy Stress-Free Vegan Cooking. She offers meal planning services, online cooking and nutrition workshops, and a cooking club here on Vegan Family Kitchen. She completed a PhD in Educational Studies at the University of British Columbia and a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition at the University of Guelph.