Plants have all the nutrients we need to sustain good health and prevent disease. How can we make the most of what they have to offer without spending our whole days in the kitchen? How can plant-based eaters increase their odds of getting all the iron, calcium, fiber, and phytonutrients they need from plant sources?

In this 60-minute workshop, I will review and demonstrate:

  • IRON: What’s the deal with heme vs. non-heme iron? How can we improve our cooking to absorb more iron from plant sources?
  • CALCIUM: How to get enough calcium on a plant-based diet? What are the top sources and how can we integrate them into more meals?
  • FIBER: Fiber is critical for heart health: how can we sneak more of it into everyday meals?
  • PHYTONUTRIENTS: Plants of all kinds including fruit, vegetables, herbs, and spices are packed full of nutrients that contribute to disease prevention, notably decreasing cancer risk. But how to capture them all when cooking? What are the best techniques for cooking vegetables and using spices?

100% of live attendees said they learned something new during the workshop, and felt more empowered, energized, inspirated, and motivated to cook at home.

“Very informative and easy to follow. Thank you!”

“I really enjoyed your presentation and down-to-earth attitude.”

Replay cost is $20 USD. Free for existing Vegan Meal Plan subscribers (look under “lessons” in the Better Dinner Institute).

NOTICE: This workshop does NOT constitute medical advice regarding the management of health conditions. For assistance with health issues, make sure to consult a suitable plant-friendly professional (general practitioner, specialist, registered dietitian).