Cook like the planet matters! Lush chat & cook

Thanks for caring about the planet and learning how we can all decrease the impact of our daily eating habits.

Cook more plant-based meals at home & keep in touch!

=> Would you like to try going “Vegan after 6“?
=> Already vegan but interested in cutting back on processed foods in favor of more home cooked meals?
=> Busy person looking to eat less stressful yet healthy dinners on weeknights?

Help is on the way!

I created the “Planned & Plant-based” guide to help you enjoy one week of stress-free healthy vegan dinners. Help yourself to the guide by entering your email address right here:

Email me at any time with questions or ideas for collaboration that will make the world a better place: [email protected]. Or connect on Facebook or Instagram.

Environmental impact of animal agriculture

  • Over 60 billion animals are slaughtered for meat yearly; fish counted in trillion.
  • “Livestock is the world’s largest user of land resources, with grazing land and cropland dedicated to the production of feed representing almost 80 % of all agricultural land. Feed crops are grown in one-third of total cropland, while the total land area occupied by pasture is equivalent to 26 % of the ice-free terrestrial surface.” (FAO, 2019)
  • Demand for meat is growing worldwide, total of animals slaughtered may double by 2050.
  • At the minimum, animal agriculture accounts for 15% of greenhouse gas emissions. (“Tailpipe” emissions from animals, transportation and processing mostly.)
  • When counting the land foregone to animal agriculture, the total share of anthropogenic GHGs from animal agriculture approaches (or perhaps exceeds) 50%. Either way, it’s massive.
  • Animal products provide the least efficient type of calories.
  • Agriculture is responsible for over 80% of US water use. More than half goes to animal agriculture (direct consumption, feed crop irrigation, cleaning…). (Note that livestock produces 7 million tonnes of excrement per minute in the USA alone.)
  • Agricultural run-off from unsustainable grazing practices are to blame for the die-off of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, and of corals around the world.
  • Most deforestation worldwide is due to animal agriculture needs (livestock grazing and feed crops).
  • Wild animals everywhere are killed to protect cattle.
  • Transportation from producer to consumer accounts for a small fraction of the total energy embedded in food.

Most North Americans enjoy the bounty of a global food distribution system. I don’t even mean avocados on demand! Just whole grains, legumes, and a reasonable diversity of fruit and vegetables. We have a responsibility to practice and promote food habits that are more respectful of the planet, of the animals, and of our own bodies.

And when you transition to a plant-based diet, you create ripples of goodness around you.

Environmental impact of different white beverages

How to make any plant milk

Blend 1 cup oats (or soaked almonds, or hemp or pumpkin seeds) with 3 to 4 cups water (less water = creamier milk) and a pinch of salt for 10 to 20 seconds (up to 1 minute for almonds or seeds).

If planning on drinking straight up, or using in cereal, you will probably want to strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a jar with a tight seal. If using oats, don’t squeeze, don’t press – just let gravity do its thing with as little assistance as possible (to prevent oat-induced sliminess).

Voilà! Enjoy cold.

You can add a little maple syrup or cinnamon, or enjoy straight up.

If using for baking, no need to strain!

Tip: Home-made oat milk naturally separates because we don’t use emulsifiers. Just shake before serving!

How to use the remaining pulp

If not using immediately, refrigerate the pulp. It will dry it somewhat.

Add to practically any baked-good recipe, reducing the amount of dry flour by a slightly smaller amount. For example, if you add 1/3 cup wet oat pulp, reduce the amount of flour required by about 1/4 cup and also reduce the amount of liquid (by about 1/8 cup). Baking recipes are more forgiving than you think.

Resources to keep exploring the authority on peer-reviewed nutrition and health studies (and one of the funniest men on Earth)

Great food from Isa Chandra (so delicious!) and Dreena Burton (healthier).

The Minimalist Vegan (blog)

The Game Changers (documentary about plant-based athletes)

What about those new “red meat guidelines”? Read the Harvard School of Public Health opinion on it.

Be Planned & Plant-based next week

Download your guide, get organized, eat better.

I look forward to seeing you in the kitchen!


p.s. You can also join me in my Facebook group.