Affiliate Signup

Welcome to Vegan Family Kitchen’s Affiliate Program.

I am committed to making it easier for thousands of people to eat more plant-based meals cooked at home (mostly) from scratch… without losing their minds. That’s why I created the Vegan Meal Plans subscription service.

Thank you for helping me spread the word about the meal plans and other programs. Please share your affiliate link with anyone you think would benefit from some support to eat more plants. 🙂

Typically, new visitors to my site start with the Planned & Plant-based one-week challenge which includes a free one-week plan. As that week ends, they are invited to sign up for continued service. If they do sign up within 90 days from clicking your affiliate link, you will receive a commission.

The commission rate is 40%. It applies to all transactions (original and recurring).

For example, if someone signs up for the quarterly plan at $38 per 3 month period, you will receive a commission of $15.20 for every quarterly payment made by the customer. For a lifetime subscription (regular price $128), your commission will be $51.20. Note that commissions will be affected by coupons and sales.

IMPORTANT: Some users may disable cookies in their browser, making it impossible to track their subscription back to you.

There is a 30-day satisfaction guarantee for meal plan subscribers. Those who go beyond the 30-day period are “confirmed subscriptions.” Your commission will only be paid on confirmed subscriptions.

I pay your commissions via Paypal every 3 months for confirmed subscriptions. Commissions will be paid on January 31st, April 30th, July 31st, and October 31st. Make sure that the address you use for the affiliate program is the same you use for your Paypal account. Paypal fees apply.

You can view your affiliate dashboard at any time to see how many people have clicked your link.

Please contact me at any point if you have questions or if you notice anything odd. You can click the chat box in the lower right corner of your screen or email me.

By completing the form below and clicking “sign up” you agree to the conditions of this affiliate program as described above.