2023 Kitchen Kick Off: Healthy Vegan Batch Cooking on January 1st

Thank you for registering for the 2023 Kitchen Kick Off in my Vegan Family Kitchen. I can’t wait to cook with you.

Sunday January 1st, 2022
2 p.m. Pacific
3 p.m. Mountain
4 p.m. Central
5 p.m. Eastern
10 p.m. London UK
January 2nd at 9 am in Sydney (Australia)

Please add the event to your calendar! Also, a reminder will be sent to you 24 hours and 1 hour before the event.

Here is the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86054571595?pwd=a3JDalpQdHJ3UzFHUG5SaWNSTWN6UT09
Meeting ID: 860 5457 1595
Passcode: 642602

What to cook?

If you aren’t already a Vegan Meal Plan subscriber, I recommend downloading the Planned & Plant-Based 5-day dinner plan. It includes a prep plan for five of my favorite healthy vegan dinners. Cooking for just 1-2 people? You might prefer to use this sample Mini Vegan Meal Plan.


Just email me: [email protected].

See you then!
